



Download for free. Install on your smartphone

Used to manage Maverick or as an independent apps service

Lets you get more mindful productivity and privacy out of your phone

 Apps that are intelligent about your specific texting habits

Cognitive Freedom

  • A cited experiment in cognitive research has shown that when participants store a bag of cookies in the drawer - instead of plain view - they experienced significant weight regardless of will power.

  • The smartphone is the center of our connectivity, and communication. Unfortunately, our world and attention is reduced to the size of our screen attention.

  • We unknowingly pay all the cognitive and behavioral consequences of our mindless activity.

  • MAVERICK offers a respite for cognitive freedom. Mindful connectivity

Cognitive Apps

  • MAVERICK essential applications will create a healthier experience that will delight you each day as it evolves and learns

  • MAVERICK is just the beginning...future applications for the phone,  the car and home will always be compatible with maverick and its platform

  • The Maverick platform is an interplay between essential but robust hardware IOT and curated Artificial Intelligence applications. It is built with an open cloud platform and backend services - connected to Cell network APIs.